I'm still wondering how on earth I forgot to link up, over a week ago, to installment 11 of Coffee Talk! How slack of me! This week it's all about drinking.
Alas, I'm doing it now. If you feel like also being a week-late for a link up, head on over to Natalie's blog to join in.
1. What is your favorite drink called? What are the ingredients in it?
I have no idea what the drink is called, but it is my fave drink when I can afford all the separate ingredients for it. The drink has three important components, the first being vodka. Secondly, add cranberry juice, and then some redbull. Finally, add a quick squeeze of lime, and viola! A super-tasty drink for you to enjoy.
Looks a little something like this. I always use Smirnoff Vodka as well. It's the best in my opinion. |
2. How old were you when you first got drunk?
Hmmm, I think I was 16?
3. Name an embarrasing moment about you or your friends that occured while drinking.
Oh god, so many. The main ones would have to be drinking too much peach-flavoured vodka (I still shiver at the sight of it), and ending up in my recycling bin. My two friends (bless them) managed to get me to bed, but not before I'd named my spew-bucket 'Gandalf'. This story will no doubt make an appearance at my 21st coming up in April.
4. What is your favorite party drinking game?
I'm quite a fan of circle of death. I also enjoy a good game of 'Up the River'- but do not play this unless you intend to get very very messy.
Here's me after losing Circle of Death. In the jug is a mix of Midori, Bourbon and Bacardi Rum. It actually wasn't that bad! |
5. Are you a happy drunk? Sad drunk? Sleepy drunk? Paranoid drunk? or other?
Definitely a happy drunk. My friends constantly remind me of how much I like to hug people and tell them I love them.
6. Are you a hard drinker (straight liquor, shots, etc.)? Fruity drinker (daiquiris, mixers, etc)? not a drinker at all? or Other?
I don't like drinking beer or wine. I think they taste gross. I also don't like Gin. But pretty much anything else I will drink. Also, if I can avoid Tequila, I will.
This was in perfect timing for a 21st I am heading to this weekend! I will be making myself the drink featured in number 1. Hope you all have a great week!
-xoxo Rach.