Friday, 10 August 2012

Spontaneous Road Trip Anyone?

Today was a great day. Why, you may ask? We'll was actually sunny in Hamilton! This rarely happens.

The parents were in town today, and they took me out for some lunch at a cute little Turkish restaurant. It was super yum! I had a grilled chicken iskender - which is basically a kebab on a plate instead of wrapped in a bread.

I got back from lunch, and then my flatmates invited me on their spontaneous road trip to Raglan.
(For those who have never been to Raglan, or to New Zealand for that matter; Raglan is a small surfing town about 40 minutes out of Hamilton, and it's really pretty.)

I've lived in Hamilton for three years now, and I've never actually been to Raglan. So, I quickly tossed a few things in a bag and headed off to the beach.

Now, I don't want to brag, but I really do live in a beautiful country. I took a few scenic shots when we arrived at our destination:

The beach view from where we ended up settling for the afternoon.

Looking out over the Tasman Sea

My flatties were well prepared for our afternoon of relaxation - magazines, fruit and even some wine. We didn't really do anything at all, we just sat on the grass, looking down upon the surfers, reading our books and chatting. We made a collective decision to get out more and do some more outdoorsey activities - so in a couple of weeks I think we might head to Rotorua and walk through the redwood forest, or around the lakes.

Here's me in our little spot up on the cliff.

We wanted to stay and watch the sun set, but then realised we would actually get locked in the car park if we stayed past dusk. So it was off home for us.

Have any of you guys been somewhere new this week?


  1. beautiful views!
    visiting from,

  2. Lovely photos<3 i just love sea pictures!

  3. Wow, that's definitely gorgeous! I like your sunglasses, where'd you get them?
    New follower, would love the follow back!

    My Musings

    1. thank you! My sunnies are Raybans -i think they are the wayfarer square ones. They were soooo expensive though, I guard them with my life haha.
