Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A New Year, A New Look!

Hello Again Everyone!

You've most likely noticed by now that my blog has had a bit of a makeover. I have officially changed the design, as from now on I will be documenting the process of getting ready to go to Florida in August. After that, this blog will be my main way of informing everyone about my adventure!

So be prepared for lots of Disney updates :)

It's now officially 6 months until I go, and there's lots to sort out.

As not much is happening on the disney front right now, I thought I'd start the Disney Challenge. It's 30 days of all things Disney!

Let's Go!

Day #1: Your Favourite Character

This is such a hard one to start off with! Every time a new movie comes out, or every time I re-watch a movie, I change my mind. But I have to pick one, so I guess my favourite would be Dumbo. I'll always love Dumbo!
He's just so adorable!

For anyone else who wants to do the Disney Challenge, here's the whole 30 days worth. Have fun!

Day #1: Your favorite character
Day #2: Your favorite princess
Day #3: Your favorite heroine
Day #4: Your favorite prince
Day #5: Your favorite hero
Day #6: Your favorite animal
Day #7: Your favorite sidekick
Day #8: Your favorite villain
Day #9: Your favorite couple
Day #10: Your favorite original character (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etc.)
Day #11: Your favorite song
Day #12: Your favorite love song
Day #13: Your favorite villain song
Day #14: Your least favorite song
Day #15: Your favorite kiss
Day #16: The first movie you saw
Day #17: Your favorite classic
Day #18: Your least favorite classic
Day #19: Your favorite Pixar film
Day #20: Your least favorite Pixar film
Day #21: Favorite sequel
Day #22: An overrated movie
Day #23: An underrated movie
Day #24: A movie that makes you laugh
Day #25: A movie that makes you cry
Day #26: Your favorite scene from your favorite movie
Day #27: Saddest death
Day #28: Your favorite quote
Day #29: Your favorite castle
Day #30: Your favorite Magical Object

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